Critical care facility in a hospital is one of the pillars of any multispecialty hospitals that has departments such a general care, pediatrics, dental, gynecology and many more. By critical care, it is referred to the holistic and comprehensive care given to the patient who have been suffering from acute illness or disease since ages. The cases where a patient are to be treated for severe injuries on an emergency basis are also referred to critical care specialist hospital. They may also be referred to the trauma care hospital where a team of specialized doctors are present 24/7 to provide utmost care with utmost proficiency.
It may well and truly be said that there has been a paradigm shift in the field of critical care. With the increase in such cases, the diversity in the critical care specialist hospital uttar pradesh has brought about similar wave of change. No more are critical care hospitals limited to just a few top-tier metro city’s hospitals.
The genesis of critical hospital
In India, it was growing need for establishing a healthcare facility meant specifically for the terminally ill patients which created the idea of intensive care unit or ICU in the 1950’s. This paved way for not just critical care medical facility, it has also been evolving ever since in terms of technological advancements an better understanding of various diseases and conditions. India, as a country is now well placed to anchor all these technological advancements in lead these rapidly growing specialties and it is clearly evident from the development that has undergone in such a short span of time.
Types of critical/intensive care units
- Medical intensive care unit (MICU)- In any critical care specialist hospital uttar pradesh, this unit offers round-the-clock care and services to patients who suffer from multiple, chronic medical conditions. This unit is managed by a team of doctors who work in close collaboration. Some of the common conditions that are treated in this facility are respiratory disease, liver failure, acute renal failure, gastrointestinal hemorrhage, blood disorder and cancer.
- Coronary intensive care unit (CCU or CICU)- This unit is specially built for intense monitoring facilities to provide care for patients who need primary cardiac diagnosis. Therefore, this department is headed by a team of doctors, cardiologists, nurses who are proficient in the use of sophisticated medical equipment. This unit cab categorized further into Acute coronary care unit (ACCU) that deals with patients suffering from acute myrocardial infraction and cardiogenic shock. This unit also offers post operative care for patients who have undergone open-heart surgery. Another sub-category is the Subacute coronary unit or SCCU. This is also known as progressive care unit and it deals with patients who require cardiac telemetry such as in case of unstable angina.
- Surgical Intensive care unit (SICU)- This unit offers pre and post operative care for critically ill patients. This unit is managed by a team of surgeons, anesthesiologists who specialize in critical care.
- Pediatric care unit (PICU)- This is a child exclusive department of critical care comprised of pediatric intensivists, child consultants, nurses, and respiratory therapists. This unit specializes in providing medical care to children, toddlers and teens.
- Neuroscience critical care unit- The severely ill neuro-medical and neurosurgical patients are referred to this facility for round-the-clock care.
- Trauma -intensive care unit- For critical cases especially of the patients with hemodynamic status requiring immediate treatment, this unit is formed at a critical care specialist hospital.
In conclusion it may be said that the cases that require intensive and immediate care can now be efficiently addressed by the critical care specialist hospital uttar pradesh.